Trading Forex

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Make Lots Of Money No Matter Which Direction The Forex Market Moves

A preceding article in this 7 article series covered how a no stop loss Forex trading system was developed due to the frustration of having stops being triggered all the time. The trading rule we are trying to ignore is "always have a stop loss when trading the Currency market".

The next strange phenomenon that we will investigate is making gains from always being in a position to cash in on whichever move, in every direction which the price goes. We are trying to disprove the concept that one has to predict the direction that the Forex market is going in to make money.

To be in an able to cash in positively all the time means that should the price goes up you will cash in that transaction at a gain and if it goes south you will also be in a position to cash that transaction in at a gain. First of all logic should now be giving you a hint that in order to do that you would have to have a buy and a sell deal active at the same time all the time. The immediate reaction to this is - How on earth can you make gains from having a buy and sell transactions active at the same time. Surely, this is completely hedged situation. There is a saying in the currency market:- Only the online forex broker makes money when you are in a buy and sell deal in the identical currency at the time. We will refute this belief too.

Before we explore how traders are amassing fortunes with this system let's have a look at the benefits of having a buy and a sell transaction active at the same time (hedging). The loss on the one makes up for the profit in the other. It is becoming clearer why this system is called the "no stop, hedged currency trading system isn't it? Transactions are fully or partially hedged when making use of this technique which makes the requirement for a stop loss redundant.

Let's review the currency markets and the way the price glides its way over our currency trading charts. You will see that with the exclusion of definite trends due to news, economic and political events the price vibrates is a undulating way 90% of the time. It either trades sideways or in a lazy upward or downward trending way. This gives us our first clue of how one can make lots of money from buying and selling at the same time. The price tends to revisit an earlier price level over and over again. If you cash in your profitable deals at these price levels you are likely to see the same deal repeating itself over and over again and you would/can therefore also cash in over and over again. Because there are many of these levels you would end up cashing in both your buy transactions and sell transactions at a profit continuously thereby repeating the same transaction over and over again.

So far we have been discussing high level trading concepts used by the no stop, hedged, forex trading grid technique (notice the new word in the system title). In the next article we will explain the how to make lots of cash trading these repetitive deals with no stops in this spiky, wavy currency market.

For more information, which is freely available, on this great trading system why not Google "no stop forex trading" or visit authority sites like expert-4x or forextradersupportservices.
This is the second in a series of seven articles on the No stop, hedged, forex trading system which will be presented in this article directory on a regular basis. Ensure that you do not miss any of them in order to get the full picture.

Find out how you can make money trading the no stop forex trading technique from Mary McArthur who is a Forex trader with Mary also assists with management of Mary is considered an expert of the system and has co authored a forex trading course available on the above sites and can be contacted at

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Trading Forex- GBP-JPY 2008 update. by Mike P. Kulej

On the heels of massive Yen rally in summer 2007, later named by main stream press the "unwind of the carry trade",we published an article about anticipated direction of GBP-JPY. For details please see previous writing "Trading Forex- GBP-JPY outlook". The future outlined there have come to fruition and it's time to take a look next possible moves for this cross. Comparing to other popular currency pairs, GBP-JPY is relatively illiquid. This is reflected in its wide spread of 7-8 pips on most popular trading platforms. It does not compare favorably with EUR-USD 2 pips, USD-JPY 2-3 pips or even GBP-USD 3-4 pips with most brokers. It is, however, significantly less than 10-15 pips just few years ago.

Despite these limitations, GBP-JPY remains one of preferred crosses for speculators. One of the reasons is large daily trading range. Moves over 200-300 pips seem to be the norm and 500 + pips daily fluctuations certainly don't raise anyone's eyebrows. And let's not forget the 1000 pips day last summer. On top of that, in the current environment of relatively strong Yen, those pips have high value. There is potential for large gains, and losses, on daily bases. Speculative popularity of this pair certainly is not going to dwindle any time soon.

As of this writing GBP-JPY is at about 207.00 level, after bouncing from 192.50, the low of most recent sell off. For the time being a slow upward movement is expected, reaching maybe as high as 215.00 over next few months, or sometimes this summer. Once that is completed, one more leg down should finish longer term bearish move. Previous swings suggest a target of 185.00 or so. Chart development suggest a steady, measured price movement, rather than the kind of violent swings from last summer or even earlier this year. It's reasonable to place this "anticipated low" very late this year or beginning of 2009. After that a very strong, and prolonged, bull market should resume.

This particular scenario is dictated more by very long term charts and fundamentals pertaining to GBP. Yen is notoriously more unpredictable. That is true to both technical as well as fundamental analysis of Japanese currency. Of course, any large scale, unexpected events can farther complicate this outlook.

No matter what happens, GBP-JPY is sure to remain one of the favorite speculative instruments the world over. Even if one trades it only on daily bases, it doesn't hurt to have some long term possible scenarios mapped out.

About the Author

Mike P.Kulej is a Chief Forex Strategist for Spectrum Forex LLC. He specializes in mechanical trading systems as explained on . Spectrum Forex LLC offers numerous services to individual traders. With questions and comments e-mail him at

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Trading the forex market efficiently by Roxana Kusuma

Tradind the Forex market is one of the best opportunities someone have nowadays to work from home and make a nice income. The problem is that not so many people have the right tools, right data, and most important , the time to do it right. Lately, I saw on the market lots of tools as forex robots systems , some good, other not so good, which could help you trade the forex market more easily.

Today , any trader can get graphs of currency updated every single minute of the day .Unfortunatelly, most of the people out there who trade the forex market are average Joe’working from home who is overwhelmed with informations ,especially with the new internet explosion, and who couldn’t choose and doesn’t know how to apply the data he got it. That’s why I do recommend for those of these to have an software to help them with the endless piles of pages and make their work more efficient.

There are many automated forex currency software on the market, however one of the most easy to use that I found it, is the Forex Assassin system, a system very easy ,yet efficient to use. It utilizes a completely time driven strategy that uses time zones. Users can adjust their trading times to what suit them , thus being very good for people with day time jobs.You just need to find the information egarding the price of the currency pairs you would like to use, input them into the spreadsheet which was given to you, and after that the system just give you the results of profit and the loss margin which you choose.

The Forex Assassin formula could help you reduce the stress and fear of trading one of the most competitive market , the forex market and be one of the winners.

For more informations on how this system works , you can take a look at .

About the Author

I am a passionate forex trade who is willing to learn every day new ways to make money with forex.You can fing more on .

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Forex Trader - Learning The Secrets Behind Forex Trading by John Callingham

Forex trader is a word you are going to here for a very long time when you enter the forex market. The forex market is by far the largest market in the world and over 2 trillion dollars are traded daily on this market! It is hard to imagine what 2 trillion dollars actually is. This 2 trillion dollars accounts for large financial institutions and multi-national corporations trading on the forex market daily. Small single investors are finally emerging after decades on the forex market. Predict forex is something that everyone is trying to do these days and going to every great lengh to become the best forex trader possible. Most people dumb thousands and thousands of dollars a year on expense forex trading software, forex online platform trading, forex loan online trading, and spending way to much money learning someone elses useless forex rate exchange when they should be selling or buying their forex currency.

Now there are many great things you should know about the forex market. For starters, it is a unregulated investing market with no barriors or walls. Your earning potential on this market is unlimited and also the market is NOT government regulated like the stock market. The forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week so you can forex trade based on your schedule, not restricted to a regulated time. The stock market only allows stock traders to trade between the hours of 9 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday. Those hours are horrible especially if you work a Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm job yourself. When are you going to find time to stock trade? Exactly, you can't. But trust me you will never want to trade stock again once you find out how valuable forex trading is and how much income you potentially can earn from such a small investment.

When you get started in the forex market you really need to consider a few things?

How much forex training do you have? If you answer this question as little or none, you need to sign up for a free account on online forex websites. You will be able to create a free account to trade forex currency as if it was real money. You can earn "play money" and make the same decisions as if you were using real money. You can get a feel of your earning potential right away and see if you are on the right track to success. If you are not earning money right away do not get discouraged and give up! It will come to you over time. Just like anything new, you have to work at it and give it time to become a forex trading expert. Once you become a forex trading expert your earning potential could rise above 6 figures like mine did. I did not need any fancy broker forex for all my trading or rely on forex software or a forex system to risk all my money (over $200,000). Would you like a forex system risking $200,000 and it is not a real human? You have the potential to be the best forex trader out there with a little studying of the market and picking up a real solid forex ebook on forex trading. Stop procrastinating and take action now!

About the Author

Forex Simple Trading is an award winning Forex course that teaches how to become a great forex trader and how to correctly predict forex. Learn more about John's course for FREE at

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Forex Trading Know-How by Chrisdavidseo

Forex market trading is trading of money & currencies worldwide. Most all countries around the world are engrossed in the forex trading marketplace, where money is bought and sold, based on the assessment of that currency at the time. As some currencies are not valued that much, it is not going to do business heavily, as the exchange is worth more, supplementary brokers and bankers are going to choose to empower in that market at that present time.

Forex trading does take place every day, where almost 2 trillion dollars are budged every day - that is a colossal amount of money. imagine how many millions it does take to bring about a total of a trillion and then think about that this is done on a daily basis - if you want to get engrossed in where the money is, forex trading is one 'place' where money is exchanging hands daily. The currencies that are operated on the forex markets are going to be those from every nation around the world. Every currency has it own 3-letter symbol that will correspond to that country and the currency that is being traded.

For example,

The Indian Rupee is the INR and the United Stated dollar is USD. The British pound is the GBP and the Euro is the EUR. You can trade surrounded by many currencies in one day, or you can buy and sell to a different currency every day. Mostly all trade through a broker or some company will require some type of fee for trading so you need to be sure about the trade you are making before making too many trades which are going to involve a lot of fees.

Trades amid markets and countries are going to happen every day. Some of the most profound trades occur between the Euro and the US $, then the US $ and the Japanese yen, and then the other most often seen trades is between the British pound and the US $. The trades happen all day, all night, and thought out at various markets. As one country opens trading for the day another is closing this is because the time zones across the world affect how the trading takes place and when the markets are unwrapped.

When you are making a business deal from one market to a different, involving one currency to another you will notice the symbols are used to explain the operations. All transactions are going to look something like this EURzzz / USDzzz the zzz is to represent the percentages of trading for the percentage of the operation.

Other illustrations could look like this AUSzzz / USDzzz and so on. When studying and appraising your forex statements and online information you will recognize it all much better if you are to remember these symbols of the currencies that are involved.

About the Author

Chris David is a SEO Copywriter of forex trading. He written many articles in various topics.For more information visit: forex broker. contact him at